
Duration: 38 minutes, 51 seconds

Fireside Chat: Making the CFO an Ally of the Sales Process

All too often, especially in SaaS businesses, the CFO suddenly has a seat at the table during the selling process and comes in as the one ready to say “no.”

Hear our perspective on:

  • How do you translate marketing benefits into terms the CFO wants to hear, making them an advocate rather than a hindrance?
  • What kinds of terminology makes it easier?
  • How do you create credibility?
  • How do you keep the sizzle, while delivering the meat that makes it easy to get the CFO to “yes”?
  • What is the right balance of concrete data that makes everyone happy?

Watch this Fireside Chat to hear how to make the CFO an ally of the sales process.

Marketing Financials Fireside Chat with Tillster, Contentstack and BusinessOnline Featuring:

  • Thad Kahlow, CEO, BusinessOnline
  • Hope Neiman, CMO, Tillster
  • David Overmyer, CFO, Contentstack